Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Having a Purpose

I have been thinking about this for a while. We all go through the transition from being a kid to having responsibilities and being an adult. Every person takes a different path in life physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Some people have pressure to be a certain way from parents, friends, or even strangers. The world we live in pressures us to live, think, and act in a certain manner. But seriously, do we have an actual purpose in life? Leaving everything aside (parents, friends, influencing parties) what is our purpose?

Do we have a purpose other then to be ourselves in life, something like destiny? Or, do we have to force ourselves to be purposeful? While growing up it seems like we were always told that we have a purpose in life. A purpose? What does that mean?...To satisfy out needs, to make other proud, to help those in need around us? Or is our purpose to find ourselves as an individual and not necessarily to have an impact on other?

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