Saturday, July 26, 2008

New section: Random Thoughts

So Brit Brit came up with the idea to have this section... Kind of like a grab bag type deal, where we can express our notions on life, love, and other humanly thoughts that rage in our heads... and don't fit the other categories. As requested by her, here's a post I wrote on fbook:

Within a span of 18 years, few instances have reminded me of how thin life is. This past week has been one of them. And I don't think I can fully understand sorrow, until I've lost a loved one myself.


I take my friends and family for granted. I take the food in my fridge, the mattress I sleep on, the electricity running through my laptop, tv, and lightbulbs for granted.

I forget that I'm lucky to have the option of walking or running, holding awkward eye contact with a stranger, and being able to feel and hear the sound of thunder.

I let everyday inside jokes and funny moments slip away without appreciation.

And I let some compliments go unspoken, because I feel like I risk sounding fake or cheesy.

Longtime friends who I haven't seen all year are still in my phonebook. Why haven't I called/texted them?

Petty fights and long silences,stubbornness and unsaid apologies.

Down to the last detail - I feel like I've taken it all for granted....

And I know that sooner or later this feeling will fade out, and I'll join everyone else in magnifying stupid problems in my life, but I just want to say, without trying to sound too preachy or cliche or trite...

Drop those who bring you down, but don't confuse them with people who actually care about you. And keep the latter close and within reach. Remember that your horrible day doesn't even compare to someone else's, who's probably worse off in the long run.

Let simple things go, and take it easy.

Cause life is thin.

Wanted and All Its Coolness

I've been meaning to blog about this but haven't had the chance yet, so here it goes.

This movie is pretty amazing. If you are into the whole guns and rock music thing then this is the movie for you. It is a very "bad ass" type movie that has you at the edge of your seat the whole time. Wanted is about a guy who has a boring job with the same old routine. He isn't interesting and he doesn't do much but go to work and let his friends take advantage of him. While picking up a prescription someone is about to assassinate him when a girl (Angelina Jolie) informs him that his father was an assassin and he is in line to take his place. He learns to be an assassin like his father and you see his character turn from lame to attractive and grounded. This movie doesn't have a typical ending and it definitely has an interesting plot. Wanted isn't Oscar worthy, intellectual, or a romance movie but it has its perks. It's interesting and will keep you wanting more

Here is the trailer:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Dark Knight-> Breaks Box Office Records

It is official. Batman: The Dark Knight broke box office history today. Here are the stats.

Opening night (12am)-
* Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 16.9 million
* The Dark Knight- 18.4 Million

Opening Day-
* Spider-Man 3- 59.8 Million
* The Dark Knight- 66.4 Million

Opening Weekend-
* Spider-Man 3- 151.1 Million
* The Dark Knight- 155.34 Million

Very Interesting!