Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tom Delay --Dancing with the Stars...WHAT?

I was watching the news this morning and I was halfway paying attention to the "filler" stories when one of the news anchors released information on Tom Delay possibly going on the popular TV show Dancing with the Stars.

This topic interested me for several reasons one being that he graduated from my high school and the other being that he was involved in a huge scandal in 2006 involving the Jack Abramoff case. It was reported that Abramoff gave free trips, money, and other goods to Delay when he was in office. After the rumors started the Justice Department began to investigate Delay and soon after Delay resigned from being Majority Leader in the House of Representatives.

Going back to the subject of dancing with the stars. My reaction to this rather odd news is, more than anything, laughter! Although this would make for some good entertainment, I feel that there are better people for this very entertaining show.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Remember that one time...

... When I actually posted in this blog.


Well, my unsaid hiatus is now over and back to posting somewhat relevant nonsense.


"I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend" - Black Kids

Incredibly infectious.

BLACK KIDS - This indie/synthpop band hails from Jacksonville, FL, which is refreshing since the Sunshine State is mainly known for churning out sugared down boy bands, and well... Creed. The Kids just started touring yesterday, kicking it off down under in Auckland, Australia. They'll be touring the whole Spring, playing with the Kaiser Chefs in England and the Mates of State when hitting the U.S. cities. Check out their tour dates and other mumbojumbo at

Sounds like: The bastard child of MGMT and CSS, concieved at a Dylan's Candy Bar.

Why they're awesome: They toured with Kate Nash. I mean, that alone deserves some sort of medal.

- mel

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Keep a Look Out - Possibly Oscar Worthy

Every year I try to watch the Oscars and I really get irritated when I haven't seen the movies that have been nominated. In result I have decided to start researching early.

I found this website that gives a list of predictions. I've heard of almost all of these movies and plan to watch most of them, especially Milk, Revolutionary Road, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Frost/Nixon, Body of Lies, Burning After Reading, Changeling, Blindness, Choke and the Soloist.

What do you think? Are there any movies missing?

2009 Oscar Predictions - Year in Advance

Best Picture:

  1. Revolutionary Road
  2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  3. Australia
  4. Blindness
  5. Milk

    Other Chances:
    The Reader
    Synecdoche, New York
    Body of Lies
    Burn After Reading

Best Director:

  1. Sam Mendes – Revolutionary Road
  2. Baz Luhrman – Australia
  3. David Fincher – The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  4. Fernando Meirelles – Blindness
  5. Gus Van Sant – Milk

    Other Chances:
    Clint Eastwood – Changeling
    Jim Sheridan – Brothers
    Stephen Daldry – The Reader
    John Patrick Shanley - Doubt
    Ron Howard – Frost/Nixon
    Charlie Kaufman – Synecdoche, New York
    Joe Wright – The Soloist
    Ed Harris – Appaloosa
    Coen Brothers – Burn After Reading
    Ridley Scott – Body of Lies

Best Actor

  1. Sean Penn – Milk
  2. Leonardo DiCaprio – Revolutionary Road
  3. Frank Langella – Frost/Nixon
  4. Benecio Del Toro – The Argentine
  5. Brad Pitt – The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

    Other Chances:
    Hugh Jackman – Australia
    Ralph Fiennes – The Reader
    Eric Bana – The Time Traveller’s Wife
    Sam Rockwell – Choke
    Jamie Foxx – The Soloist
    Jake Gyllenhall – Brothers
    Leonardo DiCaprio – Body of Lies

Best Actress:

  1. Kate Winslett – Revolutionary Road
  2. Nicole Kidman – Australia
  3. Julianne Moore – Blindness
  4. Meryl Streep – Doubt
  5. Rachel McAdams – The Time Traveller’s Wife

Other Choices:
Angelina Jolie – Changeling'

Keira Knightly – The Duchess

Penelope Cruz - Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Meryl Streep – Mama Mia
Natalie Portman – Brothers
Emily Blunt – The Young Victoria

Best Supporting Actress

  1. Cate Blanchett – The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  2. Amy Adams - Doubt
  3. Anjelica Houston – Choke
  4. Kate Winslett – The Reader
  5. Kathy Bates – Revolutionary Road

    Other Chances:
    Sandra Oh – Blindness
    Amy Ryan – Changeling
    Catherine Keener – The Soloist
    Tilda Swinton – The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
    Catherine Keener – Synedoche, New York or Soloist
    Frances McDormand – Burn After Reading
    Scarlett Johansson - Vicky Cristina Barcelona
    Samantha Morton - Synecdoche, New York
    Dianne Weist - Synecdoche, New York
    Raches Weisz – My Blueberry Nights

Best Supporting Actor

  1. Josh Brolin – Milk
  2. Heath Ledger – The Dark Knight
  3. Mark Ruffalo – Blindness
  4. Emille Hirsch – Milk
  5. Michael Sheen – Frost/Nixon

    Other Choices:
    Gael Garcia Bernal – Blindness
    Philip Seymour Hoffman – Doubt
    James Franco – Milk
    David Strathairn – My Blueberry Nights
    Tobey Maguire – Brothers
    Michael Shannon – Revolutionary Road
    Russell Crow – Body of Lies
    Robert Downy Jr. – The Soloist

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sometimes It's Easier to Escape Society

I'll start by posting this quote from the movie Into the Wild.

So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Christopher McCandless

For those of you not familiar with the this quote or the movie here is a summary. Christopher McCandless, who is extremely intelligent, hates society and it's judgmental characteristics. A lot of this stems from his childhood (which you learn about throughout the movie). After he graduates from a prestigious college he decides to abandon society and travel through the wild. This movie is deeply inspirational and breathtaking. Or at least that is what I got out of it.

Being an impatient person makes it difficult to accept that all the questions that I have about life will not be answered, EVER. This eventually leads to over analyzing every situation that I am put into and also every persons actions around me. Judgment is not only frustrating and straining to ones mind, it is also natural. Every person judges other people. This probably has something to do with also every person being naturally selfish.

So, as I over analyze and question my path through life and the meaning behind my decisions (what's moral and immoral...etc), and my future, I very much just want to escape society and leave all the corruption and bullshit behind. Sometimes I want to leave everything behind and see the pure things in this world instead of hearing the deceiving and fake conversations of people around me and seeing the conniving actions of those in this world

I'm probably a hypocrite for writing this since I too say things that may not be absolutely true and also want to be accepted by others. But being selfish and judgmental is natural and can in some aspects lead a person to be more of a "down to earth" person, but there is a line that should be drawn because the more you judge others and are selfish, the more you turn into a person you never wanted to become. We should all just step back and take a look at the actions we take, the comments we make, the judgmental attitudes we have and try to change the way we look at the world and what it offers. There is so much more to life than going to see a concert, buying a pair of shoes, or going out to parties. Maybe this is why seeing the wild and leaving society is so great. It allows you to see the pureness and breathtaking world that most of us never even start to consider. A world that is inspirational and far from the bullshit all people have to deal with in life.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Because Boys need some perspective, bitches...

and so I've decided that an intervention is necessary.

I've been surrounded by boys (I mean, initially I'm not complaining) lately. In my dorm, at work, just everywhere in general.

Its defintely pushed my observing eye over the edge.

Why are guys so damn competitive? Why can't some guys accept the concept of monotamy, but think they can still feel up on a selective girl?

Do they really think that dousting themselves in Axe Pheonix will have chicks smarming them?

I'm putting on my blown up floaties and diving into the male mind.

From now on... I'm deeming Mondays - Melanie Mondays... tah-dah.

Yeah, incredible name I know. It's temporary until I can strain the creative juices from my cabezza.

Here I go... dipping into the mind of the other....


Okay, so I'm not sure if guys really care about what they smell like, but from what I've smelled, they actually do.

It seems like they always want to smell musky... like spiced burned wood or something in that nature.

They don't seem to expand their smell much. I mean, have you smelled the different kinds of Axe? Girls can't tell the difference, and they all pretty much smell the same. Only I did smell this one Axe scent that I swear was modeled after butthole... watch for that one for now, I'll let you know that one later.

My favorite scent on a guy was Kierra by PacSun. But I just sniffed it a couple of months ago... and not likey anymore. I also really like SoCal from Hollister, but it's an acquired scent.

Also Curve for guys and Clearwater (because it reminds me of my papa) smells pretty fresh.

And girls like fresh.


Use girls' deodorant.

I know it's extremely odd and may strip you of your so-called "masculinity" but one time my friend walked passed me, and I swear he smelled irresistable. I asked him what he was wearing, and he told me his secret was using Secret.

I swear it'll have good effects- and no homo.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Vice Presidential Debate, October 2nd

The only VP debate for the 2008 Presidential election is going to be held on October 2, 2008. It has been rumored that this debate will get more views than the first Presidential debate which was held at the University of Mississippi over foreign policy. For those that are out of the loop, Joe Biden Sen. of Delaware is Barack Obama's VP pick and Sarah Palin Sen. of Alaska is John McCain's VP pick. Much of the viewers are still very worried about Sarah Palin's experience and what she could potentially bring to the table. American's are also worried about how Palin will be handling foreign policy matters when she recently just received a passport and officially visited another country. It is going to be interesting to hear what Biden has to say considering he has been out of the media post VP picks were announced. I'm almost positive that his comment on Obama's ad is going to be questioned. I guess we will see what happens tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First 2008 Presidential Debate

On Friday September 26, 2008 Barak Obama and John McCain will debate over foreign policy issues. The debate will be held in Mississippi at the University of Mississippi. Some of the key underlying issues are going to be on nation building in foreign countries (like what is going on in Iraq and several other countries) and our relationship and dependence on China. It is going to be interesting to see the different policy plans that both candidates propose.

Personally, I am pretty fed up with both candidates. I really hope that these debates don't result in personal attacks but instead look towards how they are going to help the country get out of the horrible economic position that we find ourselves in. We are in a crisis and our focus should be on how we are going to help us prosper instead of who has a daughter having a child as a teenager or who might still be connected to the Muslim religion. So many Americans only look at the fact that one candidate is Republican and the other is Democrat. Being president is so much more than that. The U.S. needs a president that can work with the opposing party and get things DONE. I am relying on these debates to make my decision on who I think will help this country and myself. I hope neither candidate disappoints me.