Saturday, January 17, 2009

Remember that one time...

... When I actually posted in this blog.


Well, my unsaid hiatus is now over and back to posting somewhat relevant nonsense.


"I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend" - Black Kids

Incredibly infectious.

BLACK KIDS - This indie/synthpop band hails from Jacksonville, FL, which is refreshing since the Sunshine State is mainly known for churning out sugared down boy bands, and well... Creed. The Kids just started touring yesterday, kicking it off down under in Auckland, Australia. They'll be touring the whole Spring, playing with the Kaiser Chefs in England and the Mates of State when hitting the U.S. cities. Check out their tour dates and other mumbojumbo at

Sounds like: The bastard child of MGMT and CSS, concieved at a Dylan's Candy Bar.

Why they're awesome: They toured with Kate Nash. I mean, that alone deserves some sort of medal.

- mel