Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Vice Presidential Debate, October 2nd

The only VP debate for the 2008 Presidential election is going to be held on October 2, 2008. It has been rumored that this debate will get more views than the first Presidential debate which was held at the University of Mississippi over foreign policy. For those that are out of the loop, Joe Biden Sen. of Delaware is Barack Obama's VP pick and Sarah Palin Sen. of Alaska is John McCain's VP pick. Much of the viewers are still very worried about Sarah Palin's experience and what she could potentially bring to the table. American's are also worried about how Palin will be handling foreign policy matters when she recently just received a passport and officially visited another country. It is going to be interesting to hear what Biden has to say considering he has been out of the media post VP picks were announced. I'm almost positive that his comment on Obama's ad is going to be questioned. I guess we will see what happens tomorrow!

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